Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bankers Bounce Back
There are probably good reasons to give Richard Fuld a job at the hedge fund Matrix Advisors. He is familiar with byzantine financial products: Lehman Brothers, the bank he used to run, gorged on them until it collapsed. He might know them enough to be more careful around them the next time.
Prototype - Coming Soon to Your Language - More of the Web
A Web That Speaks Your Language
Even to Save Cash, Don’t Try This Stuff at Home
CHICAGO — Saving money never cost quite so much.
Why States Need to be a Focus for Any Economic Recovery Plan
We are in what the Center for American Progress has called a "labor market free-fall." The economy shed 524,000 jobs in December, the 12th month in a row of job losses
Restoring Trust in Antitrust Enforcement
Antitrust enforcement is the cornerstone of a competitive marketplace. When that enforcement is docile or misdirected—as it was for much of the Bush administration—consumers suffer. During that administration the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice embraced a minimalist course; it acted largely to reduce the scope of enforcement and the use of antitrust statutes in private litigation.
'A Failure of Capitalism - The Crisis of ’08 and the Descent Into Depression,' by Richard A. Posner
This recession," President Obama said recently, "was not caused by a normal downturn in the business cycle. It was caused by a perfect storm of irresponsibility and poor decision-making that stretched from Wall Street to Washington to Main Street." Richard A. Posner is having none of it.
Dems red-faced over veteran imposter
Democrats are incensed over how a man duped the party and veterans during the '08 campaign.
Some Thoughts on the Lost Art of Reading Aloud
Farms and Immigrants
The immigration system, broken in a thousand places, needs a multitude of fixes, from the borders to the workplace to the status of would-be Americans waiting in limbo overseas and toiling in shadows here. A new bill called AgJobs, introduced in the House and Senate, addresses some of those problems. It seeks to relieve chronic farm labor shortages while protecting rights and opportunities for immigrant workers.
Sunday Funny Papers
How America Lost its Freedom
It’s now clear to most Americans that their country is not only headed in the wrong direction, but on the brink of complete extinction. In just the last six months, every major economic sector is speeding towards bankruptcy and the Fed has spent trillions in printed funny money, in an unbridled and ill-fated effort to buy up (not bail out) America’s free-market economic system, leaving the nation, its currency, its people - and yes - FREEDOM, headed towards imminent total collapse.

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