Saturday, May 9, 2009

Take Action: Join the virtual vigil for heat victim Eladio Hernandez
Fifteen farm workers have died of heat-related complications since July 2004. We will be conducting vigils on the anniversary of each of their deaths--where we will share the worker's story--and invite you to join in virtually by telling legislators and Gov. Schwarzenegger that enough is enough, farm workers need a tool where they can protect themselves.
Memo to Media: Populism Is a Rebellion Against Corporate Power -- It's Not Just Stupid, Raw Anger
When I lived in Washington, DC, in the 1970'S, I got a call from a friend of mine who worked for the Congressional Research Service--a legislative agency that digs up facts, prepares briefing papers, and otherwise does research on any topic requested by members of Congress. Comment Good history piece, they don't teach stories like this in high school.
Something smells at Whole Foods
WHOLE FOODS Market is a highly profitable corporation that far outperforms its competitors, while maintaining an aura of commitment to social justice and environmental responsibility. Its clientele is attracted not only to its brightly lit array of pristine fruits and vegetables, organically farmed meats and delectable (yet healthy) recipes, but also to the notion that the mere act of shopping at Whole Foods is helping to change the world.
Animation: How Not to Form a Union
Hands Off Big Labor
The Obama administration has delivered a strong message to crooked union bosses everywhere: happy days are here again. Comment Nobody read this anyway so I might as well. Author is fear mongering.Florida 2008 property crime rate is 4.029.5 per 100,000. Projecting out Big Labor property crime rate 515 per 100,000 More likely to have a citizen of Florida break into your house than getting mugged by a" Big Labor Union Boss"
Lifestyles of the formerly rich and not that famous
In the genre of sad tales of the formerly rich, Mark Clothier and John Helyar's "Rattled in Ridgewood" story about the tough times faced by laid-off Wall Street workers is a nice piece of work -- empathetic and detailed. And I'm sure Time's Justin Fox is right to observe that "it isn't at all easy to suddenly downshift from [making several hundred thousand dollars a year] to actual middle class America, where the jobs pay $50,000-$100,000 a year (or less)."
State workers could feel new wallop from wage freezes, cuts
For almost three years now, James Okoh has watched his food and utility bills and the price of his work commute all go up — even as his state paycheck stayed flat.
The single-payer challenge
Eight activists stood up in a May 5 Senate hearing chaired by Democratic Sen. Max Baucus to demand to know why Congress won't consider proposals for a single-payer health care system that eliminates the role of private insurance companies and covers everyone under a government program similar to Medicare. Comment Space Coast CLC passed a resolution favoring single payer health care. Does that mean we should be arested?
Sen. Jeff Merkley: Words Designed to Kill Health Care Reform
Over and over again, I hear from Oregonians that we need real health care reform that provides every American with access to quality, affordable care. That is why Congress and President Obama are so focused on this issue.
Under fire, Space Florida chief Kohler resigns
The embattled head of Space Florida announced his resignation Thursday after recent skirmishes with unhappy legislators and complaints from officials in private industry.

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