Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dan Bennett's view on the January 22 Legislative Delegation Meeting. > Please share - Thank's Dan. >
> I left Thursday’s (Jan 22) School Board legislative delegation meeting > with mixed feelings. Maybe it will help to sort out my thoughts by writing about it. As long as I’m writing, I’d like to share those thoughts with Brevard’s finest, just to give my impression of what I saw and where we’re heading. Keep in mind the commentary that follows is my own, not the official word of BFT.
Janet and John sat with me in the front row and took great notes, practically in transcript form. My notes were mostly in the form of conclusions, perhaps knee-jerk reactions. I now share those impressions.
The overall tone of the meeting was quite friendly and conciliatory. That seemed a bit surprising to me at first, but in hindsight that makes perfect sense. With all the behind the scenes talk about holding these guys accountable for the damage the legislature is doing, I still should not have expected hostility. There were plenty of back slaps and laughs between our board and the legislators. The board members and legislators were tripping over themselves with praise for our district’s accomplishments and the legislators ended with each one stressing that they were on our side and wanted to do the best thing for our schools. To give credit to our board members, it was about as good a grilling as could have been expected from one set of elected officials to another.
After introductions and niceties, Senator Mike Haridopolos spoke for the delegation first, seemingly trying to discredit our whole claim that we were in crisis. He’s done this before, inspiring many a Florida Today > blogger to repeat his mantra. He opened with the statement that eight years ago the Board’s budget was about $500 million. This year it was over a billion. “That’s an increase in eight years of one hundred percent.” Dr. DiPatri jumped on that immediately by pointing out that the first number did not include capital, while the second number did. In reality, he pointed out, eight years ago our operating budget was $400 million. Today it’s $600 million. Given increases in costs and student enrollment, that’s a responsible increase.
In the grand scheme of the meeting, it was a brief and friendly exchange. Yet it’s important we realize that the first tool used to discredit those calling for a revenue increase is to show inflated numbers. We are in this mess because Tallahassee’s consistent mandate is to trim the fat. When senators drop misleading numbers like that, in an effort to show a bloated budget, we need to recognize the move for what it is: further justification to slash revenue sources.

From there Dr. DiPatri seemingly rightfully thanked the delegation for not making January’s special session worse. We all knew about last fall’s $9.8 million holdback. That holdback has already been budgeted. When we heard about a $10 million cut this spring, many of us believed that would be an additional $10 million. In reality, the spring’s $10 million cut was confirmation of the fall’s holdback. We do not need to cut another $10 million. To soften the blow slightly, the legislature is allowing some flexibility of spending, including allowing us to transfer some money out of the textbook categorical to operating expenses. In tough times, that small favor goes a long way.
Judy Preston gave her report on the district’s actions towards moving some operating expenses to the capital budget. She spoke to the dangers of shifting mils from the capital collections to operating collections. Basically, shifting mils allows districts to collect some tax dollars for the operating budget that they otherwise would have collected for capital. However, if the legislature is already allowing some expenditures to be shifted between the accounts, then shifting mils really doesn’t make a difference. Shifting mils is a trick politicians use to try to look like they’re helping a situation without raising taxes. In reality, the net gain of dollars is zero, so nothing is really helped, except the budget lady gets dizzy watching the money around.
After Judy’s report, each school board member spoke on a pre-arranged topic. While speaking, some discussion flared up among the board members and legislators. On the whole I was impressed with our board, for the topics they brought up and for their delivery. But before the synopsis, I have to give extended props to Dr. Barbara Murray, who showed her skills of preparation and speaking. At one point, Representative Ralph Poppell cut to the chase and said he knew we were all calling for a revenue increase. He’s against a revenue increase and isn’t shy to say so. He > said he wanted the economy to recover the right way, through the creation and support of high paying jobs. When we get highly qualified, high paid workers back on their feet, he said the economy will improve and the > state’s revenue will increase. Dr. Murray immediately pointed out that in most Florida districts, the School Board is the largest employer. If he wants high paying, skilled jobs, he need look no further than to teachers. Build them up, and here comes the economy. Great point, Dr. Murray.
Andy Ziegler spoke about A plus money, pointing out that we were victims of our own success. Because the state budgeted this year’s reward money at last year’s level, we had to shell out our own operating dollars to > cover a chunk of school recognition money. Next year, there is talk that > the school recognition money could be rolled into FTE dollars. That’s a fancy way of saying they might end the silly A plus program and just take the vestiges of the money and put it into the education pot. The problem for Brevard is that we always get a slightly higher share than we would >“deserve” if the money would be just divided up equally. We have 2.7% of the state’s population; yet we get 3.75% of the A plus money. So if they just divide up the money and spread it evenly across the state, we would come out behind.
Amy Kneessey spoke about the National Board program, to which Ritch Workman made some slightly sarcastic remarks about National Board teachers and their fondness for clogging his e-mail box. He praised the teachers who get the certificate, but didn’t see the application fee as a true “need.” Representative Workman spoke a lot about “wants” and “needs,” citing a time when his business, which he owns with his brother, went through hard times. He had to list all their expenses and categorize them as “wants” or “needs.” To keep the business afloat, they had to stress the “needs” and cut the “wants.” At any rate, he said that the state has this program where they pay teachers to apply for a certificate that they just get so they can get a bonus. Somebody hammered him on that statement (just get the certificate to get the bonus) and he quickly back peddled. But he stood firm that the National Board program is a “want,”and it gets cut in times of “need.” Amy Kneessey further defended the program, claiming it was a true “pay for performance” indicator, which led to her plea to just kill the MAP program by cutting the funding.
Karen Henderson brought up the topic that probably dominated discussion more than any other – class size amendment. It is a nasty little topic that quite easily becomes divisive. She had plenty of help from fellow board members, and I grew concerned as discussion moved towards consensus about the need to “fix” CSA. Legislators Haridopolos and Poppell led the charge against the impending full implementation of class size amendment, saying it was the South Florida unions that pushed for it and that won’t budge today. Dr. DiPatri pointed out that we easily meet the mandate if you take a school average. Looking at class size as a school average is much less confining than meeting classroom-by-classroom caps. There was so much happy and hopeful talk about how -- if we could just get unions, superintendents, administrators, parents, etc. – to unify and rally around a voter mandate to repeal the class size amendment and replace it with a less restrictive one, we could solve our financial mess.
The reality, as I see it, is that if we relax class size goals, the money to meet those goals will relax as well. It took a lot of hard work to get meaningful class size provisions in place. To me, it seems that if this researched based, voter approved, initiative is short on funding, the solution should be to find the funding, not try to divide the education stakeholders. And yet the delegation seemed to imply that without the class size overturn, they could not find more money for us. Right after the meeting, the guy from Channel 6 came over to us and asked for our comments on the meeting. I did what any courageous man would do; I fled the scene. Janet answered his questions and spoke of our unwavering support for protecting class sizes. The issue here is funding, not blaming the voters for demanding a better education for their children.
Dr. Murray gave a brief report on charter schools and Dr. DiPatri gave the details of the February 23 Town Hall meeting, before the legislators took turns giving final remarks.
Representative John Tobia gave us a little education on the state’s inability to just print money when it needs more. He says he’s a teacher > too, and appreciates smaller class sizes, but the impending cuts are unavoidable. He says he takes the time to return all calls and e-mails when they are not form letters. So, if you want to write to him, don’t just copy-paste standard messages. (I believe he’s a college teacher, not > K-12)
Senator Mike Haridopolos’ closing remarks focused on his record of making education his top priority. He says in good times when revenue is up, education gets the most increases. And when times are tough, education gets the smallest cuts, in terms of percent. Then he listed out potential sources of revenue, but said they would not bring in as much money as expected, even if they did them. For example, the internet tax has been touted as a $2 billion revenue stream, while his estimates show it as being $30-40 million. He did not mention the penny sales tax that FEA is pushing.
Representative Steve Crisafulli did not say much, but he said something I believed was very hopeful: everything is on the table for revenue in the March session. He explained that January’s special session was not about raising revenue, but in March they could, and that they would look at everything.
Representative Ritch Workman closed with his “wants and needs” speech again and encouraged more e-mails, but suggested making them personal. He says he’s returned phone calls to people who e-mail him and they’re not sure what they wrote. In other words, don’t just copy-paste your message. But then, earlier, he said that before he came to the meeting he copied “leadership’s” speaking points on class size amendment. He probably wasn’t supposed to say that out loud, and Representative Poppell may have to school him in being a more coy politician. “Leadership’s speaking points” refers to the approved message of the Republican leadership of the Legislature. While we’re supposed to believe that every representative carefully weighs each issue, the reality is that no Republican strays very far from “leadership’s” stand. Somewhere in the new guy training, they forgot to tell him to make sure the invisible hand of Leadership stays invisible.
And then there was Representative Poppell, by far the most experienced politician of the bunch, who best speaks the “cut taxes to stimulate the economy” line. His comments kept coming back to class size amendment and his “told you so” attitude that the legislator can’t fix what the voters break. My overall impression was that the entire delegation, with probable exception of Haridopolos, looks to him for speaking points and guidance. He offered some token solutions like putting all new building projects on hiatus (they are) and dropped his standard fortune cookie line: “You all need to remember that private schools can’t continually go back to the public tax dollar trough.”
Let me leave you with some final observations and thoughts. If you thought the rest was commentary, wait until you read this:
Tony Sasso was in the crowd. It was great to see him and he shared a very friendly handshake with Steve Crisafulli after the event. For all his fans, he’s still involved and active.
Former BFT presidents Anne Spencer and Fran Baer were in > attendance. Both look great and have been writing our representatives.
Representative John Tobia, like some of the others, is a home grown product. He claims to have graduated Satellite High ten years ago. I don’t doubt that, but if he were in my bar, he’d get carded.
Ever see someone in person who you’ve seen on TV and remark how different they look in person? Scott Harris looks EXACTLY the same in person as he does on TV. No “wow, look how short you are,” or “you look much older in person.” Nope. That’s him – uncanny.
Robert Jordan mediates a nice meeting. At times I wondered if he wasn’t a little too emotional or going on too long. But by saying a lot, he got in what he needed to, including a passionate line towards the end. Referring to the cuts: “When will you decide enough is enough?”
They talked about paperwork reduction and FCAT being moved further back in the year. Those aren’t budget things, but I’m glad they got that in.
I wondered what would happen if Representative Poppell read in his fortune cookie: “Private schools can just raise tuition.”
My most important thought of the night that the only way these guys will get a proper grilling is at the Town Hall meeting, when the public gets dibs on them. I don’t blame our board members for conducting a positive, upbeat meeting. They got a dialogue going. We need to continue that talk on February 23.
Reported in Solidarity, Dan Bennett

January 27, 2009 (850) 488-9622
House Democratic Leader Franklin Sands
today issued the following statement regarding Governor Charlie Crist’s budget
"This is a small victory for those of us in the House Democratic Caucus who warned of the long-term negative consequences of Republican legislators’ short-sighted budget fixes.
"Governor Charlie Crist’s decision to restore a fraction of the more than $1-billion in Republican spending cuts to schools, health care and other state priorities offers a glimmer of hope that he’s willing to override some of the harsh tactics of Republican budget writers.
"In exercising his veto pen today, the governor has agreed with Representative Joe Gibbons who voiced concerns during House floor debate about Republican plans to slash the Visit Florida tourism-promotion program.
"I applaud him for following the lead of Representatives Perry Thurston, Daryl Rouson and other House Democrats who opposed Republican proposals to cut funding for substance abuse prevention, education and treatment programs.
"Similarly, the governor appears to recognize the concerns of Representative Ron Saunders and others who saw the short-sighted strategies of Republicans in regards to the Florida Forever land conservation program.
"And he is following some of the advice of Representatives Kelly Skidmore, Mary Brandenburg, and Martin Kiar in paring back some of the onerous Republican cuts to education and health care.
"But while the governor has modestly reduced the potential budget pain to our teachers and other Floridians, we are reminded that the massive budget cuts by the Republicans that remain will add only more injury to many Floridians suffering under failed economic policies.
"I encourage the governor to continue working with the House Democratic Caucus in setting new priorities for the state and beginning Florida on a road to economic recovery."
Cocoa housing board member calls it quits Cocoa Housing Authority board member Dora Jackson has resigned from the board, citing some frustration with housing authority management, as well as being "badgered" by Cocoa City Council members about the board's performance. Read more..
"A power greater than their hoarded gold" Adam Turl explains why the working class holds the key to transforming society. Read more..

Monday, January 26, 2009

Take action

Workers' Rights Employee's Free Choice Act
Support the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
To rebuild our economy, we need to quickly and aggressively make a major investment in our country. We must create jobs and invest in renewable energy, energy efficiency, transportation, schools and health care. We also must invest in America's families and the nation's workforce by ensuring that states can fund the services they depend on, including health care, public safety and education.
Take Action: @Support the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Bush's devastating new H2A regs still in effect. Tell Congress to override now.
Change has started. Upon taking office President Obama immediately stayed any pending or new 11th hour regulations that the Bush administration tried to push through.Take Action:@ Tell Congress to override now
Take Action: Fix the Economy, Now!
Layoffs, home foreclosures, stagnating wages, benefit cuts, bankruptcies, vanishing retirement security and more. We are facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Jobs with Justice and other groups have been mobilizing to demand strong, immediate action to create jobs and restructure our economy to work for everyone, not only the people at the top Take action at Fix the economy,now

News 26 January 2009

The New Team -President Barack Obama has now filled nearly all of the major posts in his new administration. Below are profiles of some of the key members of his new team. White House staff will take up their duties on Jan. 20. The 15 Cabinet members and four other Cabinet-level officials (the U.N. ambassador, E.P.A. administrator, budget chief and trade representative) remain subject to Senate confirmation. Read more..
How You and I Are Paying Wall Street to Lobby Congress to Go Easy on Wall Street The new administration and Congress are busy preparing the second tranche of bailout money for Wall Street -- TARP II -- at the same time they're developing a new set of regulations to make sure Wall Street doesn't get into this kind of mess again. But will the old politics intrude? Read more..
Republicans Are Resistant to Obama’s Stimulus Plan Republicans plan to test President Barack Obama’s commitment to bipartisanship as his $825 billion stimulus package heads to the floor of the House of Representatives this week, with the House Republican leader saying Sunday morning that many in his party will vote no unless there are significant changes to the plan. Read more..
Can Florida raise cig tax before Congress does?Seems like just last week, taxing smokers was an idea that was widely shunned in Tallahassee.But that was then.Read more..
Will it work?Even if Democrats succeed in enacting an economic stimulus by mid-February, it would be months — or even years — before we’ll know if the plan is actually boosting the fragile economy. Read more..
Anti-Union Corporate Front Groups Promote Distorted "Save Our Secret Ballots" Initiative Campaigns Read more..

Sunday, January 25, 2009

E actions, e-mail petitions

Workers' Rights Employee's Free Choice Act

ACTION: ASK COMMISSIONERS TO KEEP BUSACCA. CALL OR EMAIL BY MONDAY,JAN. 26.FACT: Peggy Busacca became County Manager in 2005. She was AssistantCounty Manager for 7 years prior to that. As County Manager, Peggyguides a budget of 987 million dollars and 3000 county employees.Peggy works closely with the County Commissioners and is supported bya Finance Department. Florida Today reported (11-23-08),"Tallahassee-ordered tax cuts last year forced the county to cut it'sbudget $12 million and Busacca's advice steered the county commissionto the best possible solution..." On Nov. 25, 2008, as a last minuteadd-on to the commission agenda, brand new Commissioner TrudieInfantini asked that Peggy Busacca be fired. Commissioners decided totable discussion until the Jan. 27, 2009 meeting. More on Busacca: http://www.brevardcounty.us/county_manager/
OPINION from Micco Homeowners Association (MHOA): "Those of us whoheard Peggy Busacca speak at MHOA know she is very knowledgeable inBrevard County matters. Peggy has been a prudent and wise CountyManager and has alot of experience in Brevard county government. Withthe county and the country in a budget crisis, we need Peggy'sexperience to guide Brevard -- it would be wrong to try to "break in"a new person at this time. We need stability in Brevard Countygovernment especially with 3 new commissioners this year. It seemsonly reasonable that Commissioner Infantini would provide herconstituents (us) with justification for such rash and drasticdemands."Other local activists who have worked with the County for yearstestify to Busacca's qualifications and ability to execute the job.Commissioner Infantini has criticized Busacca's budgeting abilities,but to our knowledge has not identified any actions for which someonecould be fired. Rumors abound that commissioners seek to directlycontrol county operations (something prohibited by county charter) byfiring department heads and hiring their own people. ACTION: Please email or call each commissioner by Monday, Jan.26.Tell them to Keep Peggy Busacca as County Manager. District one: Robin Fisher - 321-264-50 D1.Commissioner@brevardcounty.us
District two: Chuck Nelson - 321-455-1334
District three: Trudie Infantini - 321-952-6300
District four: Mary Bolin - 321-633-2044
District five: Andy Anderson - 321-253-6611

Support the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
To rebuild our economy, we need to quickly and aggressively make a major investment in our country. We must create jobs and invest in renewable energy, energy efficiency, transportation, schools and health care. We also must invest in America's families and the nation's workforce by ensuring that states can fund the services they depend on, including health care, public safety and education.
Take Action: @Support the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

24 Jan 2009 News

"Clean Coal" Confrontation Oxymoron or goal within reach? Industry and environmentalists get down and sooty. Read more

For Florida GOP, it's Mardi Gras time!Florida House and Senate Republicans may have just slashed funds for the state's Visit Florida TV tourism campaign, but they plan to do their part to keep the dollars flowing to Universal Orlando -- and their re-election campaigns -- next month. Read more..

Voters say no to Bright Futures cuts, yes to cig tax A new Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday found that Floridians overwhelming support raising the state's 34-cent cigarette tax to help balance the budget and are almost equally turned off by the idea of cutting the state's "Bright Futures" college scholarship program. Read more..

Obama: We Must Act Boldly And Swiftly Saying that we must "act boldly and swiftly" to avoid an even worse economic crisis, President Obama uses this week's radio address to outline the results he would expect from his American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, in the areas of energy, education, health care, and new infrastructure. Read more..

Did Barack Obama's inauguration really cost 4 times as much as George Bush's 2005 inauguration?There seems to be a lot of sloppy reporting about the total cost of the Obama inauguration vs. the Bush inauguration that is being used for partisan attacks Read more..

Against bipartisanship Elizabeth Schulte explains what Barack Obama's promise to pursue "bipartisanship" will mean. Read more..

Companies That Got Bailout Money Keep Lobbying WASHINGTON — The financial giant Bank of America says it is no longer lobbying the federal government about its unfolding bank bailout. After receiving $45 billion in bailout money, lobbying was just too unseemly. Read more..

Helping States Make Good Choices The rapidly deteriorating economy has confronted states with their toughest budget decisions in years. This month, about 45 states reported budget gaps for the present fiscal year and most expect to struggle with shortfalls over the next two years. Read more...

No Time for Poetry PRESIDENT Obama did not offer his patented poetry in his Inaugural Address. He did not add to his cache of quotations in Bartlett’s Read more..

Friday, January 23, 2009

Events Jan/Feb/Mar 2009


It has been a while since we participated in the Brevard County Citizen’s Academy. I want to invite you to attend an event that I am coordinating in our area as the Chair of the Children’s Issues and Education Committee of the League of Women Voters of the Space coast. This free event is to promote awareness of children’s issues and to give children in Brevard County a voice. I would appreciate if you could tell your friends and co-workers about it and join us in the effort to support the wellbeing of children.

I have attached a Save the Date notice. Please call me or e-mail me with any questions. Hope to see you there. Thanks,

Marilza Novaes-Card
(321) 779-4650
What: Our Children: 2009 Brevard County Truth Tour
When: Thursday, February 19, 2009
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: Brevard Community College
3865 N. Wickham Rd.
Melbourne, Fl, 32935
Fee: Free of charge. Participants are encouraged to bring a friend.

News for 23 January 2009

Fla. minimum wage increase stirs debate The minimum wage in Florida rose 42 cents to $7.21 per hour this month, igniting a debate over whether the increased pay will help workers or whether it will hurt the economy because small businesses simply can't afford to pay it. Read more
West Melbourne Freezes Worker's Wages -- Calling the West Melbourne City Council's action "a bad decision" and morale-busting, city employees and former city leaders rebuked a vote by the council to freeze wages without reviewing budget data Read more
This Miracle Brought to You by America's Unions. They're calling it a miracle--the successful landing of a US Airways jet in the Hudson and subsequent rescue of all 155 passengers. They're detailing the heroism of all involved, starting with the pilot and including cabin crew, ferry crews, and first responders. What they're not telling you is that just about every single one of these heros is a union member. Read more
Is Obama relying too much on tax cuts?I don’t know yet. But news reports this morning certainly raise questions. Let’s lay out the basics here. Other things equal, public investment is a much better way to provide economic stimulus than tax cuts, for two reasons Read more