Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Wire for 04/30/08

Every $1 Billion Spent on Rebuilding Infrastructure Creates 42,000 Jobs
by James Parks, Apr 29, 2008 AFL-CIO Weblog

Too often, the only time lawmakers think seriously about rebuilding our nation’s aging and crumbling infrastructure is after a disaster like the read more......

Nelson: presidentials hold the key to space future
by Aaron Deslatte 04/29/08 Orlando Sentinel

VIERA - Florida voters could hold the key to the future of NASA's plans for human spaceflight and, with it, the fate of the Kennedy Space Center, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson told Brevard County commissioners and nervous space-industry officials and workers Monday.Read more......

Study Warns Job Losses Will Strain Government Health Programs By KEVIN SACK April 29, 2008 NY TIMES

Leading health researchers projected Monday that each percentage-point rise in unemployment during the economic downturn would swell the uninsured by 1.1 million, stoking demand for government health coverage just as states face pressure to cut benefits read more....

- Senate takes up, tables CSX bill posted by Aaron Deslatte on Apr 29, 2008 4:40:25 PM Orlando Sentinel

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