Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Action Alert for 4/29/08

House OKs bill to expand credits for corporations
By JIM SAUNDERS Tallahassee Bureau Chief (Daytona News Journal)
TALLAHASSEE -- Supporters say it offers choices to poor families. Opponents argue it siphons money from already-strapped public schools.
But Florida lawmakers appear headed toward expanding a program that gives tax credits to corporations that help pay for low-income children to attend private schools. Read more.......
#Comment posted on Journal web site for a change one worth reading
1 One U.S. - South Daytona, Florida - 4/29/2008 5:31:00 AM
Over and over again this government has demonstrated an agenda to rid itself of Public Education. We the people can not afford it because we are broke. We are the Corporate States of America. It is not a government of the people by the people. It is a government controlled by money by the few that have it. The intention behind the creation of public education was to provide a formal education under the control of the government free from religious biases and available to all people irrespective of their status in society to enable every man to judge for himself what will secure or endanger his freedom. As a crusade against ignorance public education could liberate the mass of talent buried in poverty so that more people could contribute to the improvement of the country as well as its preservation. People in power in our government have the trust that they would do no harm to its people yet with this power they can make institutions fail. Insurance corporations look out for your benefit. Some corporations have private armies while the supreme court decides your right to bear arms. O.K. lets trust the politicians one more time...
CS/CS/CS/HB 653 - Corporate Income Tax Credit Scholarship Program
This bill still has to go to the Senate, please contact your Florida Senator
Senators :Find Your Legislators : flsenate.gov

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