Sunday, April 27, 2008

The wire for 04/28/08 Workers Memorial Day

The wire for 28 April, Workers Memorial Day, 2008
"30 Years Ago: 51 Workers Die at Willow Island « The Pump Handle
John McCain gets tax-free disability pension - Los Angeles Times
Disability and Democracy Posted by Michael Bérubé
except from article
Oh, and the rhetorical appeal to “my friends” reminds me! I’d almost forgotten all about that John McCain fellow. Apparently he’s become the nominee of the Grand Old Party, on the grounds that he is not a barking lunatic who will promise to double Gitmo and build a tall fence to defend us against the Gay Immigrationist Mexislamofascist Menace. Yes, well, McCain’s disability policy is much easier to summarize: (a): we need to cut costs; and, following from (a), (b): don’t become disabled:
Controlling health care costs will take fundamental change—nothing short of a complete reform of the culture of our health system and the way we pay for it will suffice. Reforms to federal policy and programs should focus on enhancing quality while controlling cost.
This means you, solider – and you too, person with autism, you, person with Alzheimer’s, and the rest of you malingerers. Buck up! Your job is to control health care costs for the rest of us.
McCain 2008: Because People Who Talk About Health Care and Disabilities Are Just Taking Cheap Shots.
Taking a toll on the CSX debate by Aaron Deslatte Orlando Sentinel
Vouchers get back on the ballot FLORIDA TODAY
As Longevity Declines in Poor Areas GoozNews:
Elite Korean Schools, Forging Ivy League Skills - New York Times

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