Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Wire for 04/30/08

Every $1 Billion Spent on Rebuilding Infrastructure Creates 42,000 Jobs
by James Parks, Apr 29, 2008 AFL-CIO Weblog

Too often, the only time lawmakers think seriously about rebuilding our nation’s aging and crumbling infrastructure is after a disaster like the read more......

Nelson: presidentials hold the key to space future
by Aaron Deslatte 04/29/08 Orlando Sentinel

VIERA - Florida voters could hold the key to the future of NASA's plans for human spaceflight and, with it, the fate of the Kennedy Space Center, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson told Brevard County commissioners and nervous space-industry officials and workers Monday.Read more......

Study Warns Job Losses Will Strain Government Health Programs By KEVIN SACK April 29, 2008 NY TIMES

Leading health researchers projected Monday that each percentage-point rise in unemployment during the economic downturn would swell the uninsured by 1.1 million, stoking demand for government health coverage just as states face pressure to cut benefits read more....

- Senate takes up, tables CSX bill posted by Aaron Deslatte on Apr 29, 2008 4:40:25 PM Orlando Sentinel

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Action Alert for 4/29/08

House OKs bill to expand credits for corporations
By JIM SAUNDERS Tallahassee Bureau Chief (Daytona News Journal)
TALLAHASSEE -- Supporters say it offers choices to poor families. Opponents argue it siphons money from already-strapped public schools.
But Florida lawmakers appear headed toward expanding a program that gives tax credits to corporations that help pay for low-income children to attend private schools. Read more.......
#Comment posted on Journal web site for a change one worth reading
1 One U.S. - South Daytona, Florida - 4/29/2008 5:31:00 AM
Over and over again this government has demonstrated an agenda to rid itself of Public Education. We the people can not afford it because we are broke. We are the Corporate States of America. It is not a government of the people by the people. It is a government controlled by money by the few that have it. The intention behind the creation of public education was to provide a formal education under the control of the government free from religious biases and available to all people irrespective of their status in society to enable every man to judge for himself what will secure or endanger his freedom. As a crusade against ignorance public education could liberate the mass of talent buried in poverty so that more people could contribute to the improvement of the country as well as its preservation. People in power in our government have the trust that they would do no harm to its people yet with this power they can make institutions fail. Insurance corporations look out for your benefit. Some corporations have private armies while the supreme court decides your right to bear arms. O.K. lets trust the politicians one more time...
CS/CS/CS/HB 653 - Corporate Income Tax Credit Scholarship Program
This bill still has to go to the Senate, please contact your Florida Senator
Senators :Find Your Legislators :

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The wire for 04/28/08 Workers Memorial Day

The wire for 28 April, Workers Memorial Day, 2008
"30 Years Ago: 51 Workers Die at Willow Island « The Pump Handle
John McCain gets tax-free disability pension - Los Angeles Times
Disability and Democracy Posted by Michael Bérubé
except from article
Oh, and the rhetorical appeal to “my friends” reminds me! I’d almost forgotten all about that John McCain fellow. Apparently he’s become the nominee of the Grand Old Party, on the grounds that he is not a barking lunatic who will promise to double Gitmo and build a tall fence to defend us against the Gay Immigrationist Mexislamofascist Menace. Yes, well, McCain’s disability policy is much easier to summarize: (a): we need to cut costs; and, following from (a), (b): don’t become disabled:
Controlling health care costs will take fundamental change—nothing short of a complete reform of the culture of our health system and the way we pay for it will suffice. Reforms to federal policy and programs should focus on enhancing quality while controlling cost.
This means you, solider – and you too, person with autism, you, person with Alzheimer’s, and the rest of you malingerers. Buck up! Your job is to control health care costs for the rest of us.
McCain 2008: Because People Who Talk About Health Care and Disabilities Are Just Taking Cheap Shots.
Taking a toll on the CSX debate by Aaron Deslatte Orlando Sentinel
Vouchers get back on the ballot FLORIDA TODAY
As Longevity Declines in Poor Areas GoozNews:
Elite Korean Schools, Forging Ivy League Skills - New York Times

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Space Coast Action Alerts

Tell Congress: Say 'No' to Colombia Trade Deal
Colombia's unionists operate in a climate of fear in their country. In 2007 alone, 39 Colombian trade unionists were murdered.
And the Colombian government continues to systematically undermine union members' rights--their freedom to form unions, bargain collectively, go on strike and criticize the government.
Tell your representative to oppose a trade deal with Colombia until their government makes real progress in protecting the lives and rights of union members.

Lets Support The Fight against Predatory Lending with ACORN!
Passing this on! Please call 2 senator today on the committee and urge them to support the bill below. It will only take a few minutes and will send a clear message that we need better laws protecting our homeowners. DO it for a family that is about to lost their home to a bad loan! Thank you for taking action and please circulate the email!
In solidarity, Central Florida JwJ


Tell the Legislature to take action on Senate Bill 2846 & House Bill 979
You hear it everyday, Floridians are losing their homes at record levels to foreclosure. Families are losing their most valuable asset, local governments are stripped of tax revenue, and property values are plummeting! Thousands of foreclosures could have been avoided if Florida had strong ANTI-PREDATORY LENDING laws. These laws protect homeowners from un-affordable, risky loans. States like North Carolina, Minnesota and California have strong laws on the books and so should Florida.Senate Bill 2846 will be heard in the Banking and Insurance Committee on Tuesday, April 15th. We need calls to these committee members, leadership and YOUR OWN representative and Senator. Message: Please support passage of The Subprime Lending Act (Senate Bill 2846 and House Bill 979). Florida needs to have stronger protections against predatory lending . Home loans with abusive lending terms are a leading cause of foreclosures which are hurting our state's economy. [see below for more talking points]Leadership:
Governor Charlie Crist-, 850-488-7146
Lt. Governor Kottkamp-, 850-488-7146
Sen. Pruitt (Senate President)-, 850-487-5088
Rep. Rubio (House Speaker)- 850-488-1450
Sen. Webster (Senate Majority Leader)-, 850-487-5047
Rep. Hasner (House Majority Leader)-, 850-488-2234
Banking and Insurance Committee Members
Sen. Alexander (Winter Haven), (850) 487-5044,
Sen. Atwater (North Palm Beach), (850) 487-5100,
Sen. Bennett (Bradenton), (850) 487-5078,
Sen. Gaetz (Fort Walton Beach), (850) 487-5009,
Sen. Peaden (Crestview), (850) 487-5000,
Sen. Posey (Rockledge), (850) 487-5053,
Sen. Storms (Brandon), (850) 487-5072,
To Find Your Representative, Senator
Last year, Florida's foreclosure filings doubled ending the year with a total of 279,325 foreclosure filings - the second highest foreclosure rate for in the country.
Unless this legislature addresses this problem this year, we will continue to see low qualified borrowers put into predatory subprime loans. Low qualified borrowers in predatory subprime loans is Florida's formula for more foreclosures.
With the number of Adjustable Rate Mortgages due to reset in 2008, unless we enact strong anti-predatory loan protections for Floridians, when they go to refinance they could be put back into bad loans.
With the track that we are going on right now, we could see over a half-million foreclosures in 2008.
Floridians deal with the problem of foreclosures year round. The Legislature only has 60 days to get it right.
The time for legislative action is now.
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