Sunday, January 23, 2011

Corporations, Unions and the Value of Opposition

The news is full of bad news about unions these days. Unions are blamed for holding up the bailout of GM and Chrysler with foot-dragging over wages and benefits.

OPA News Release: Statement by Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis on Bureau of Labor Statistics report on union members in 2010 [01/21/2011]

WASHINGTON –Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis issued the following statement regarding the Bureau of Labor Statistics' annual "Union Members – 2010" report released today:

Big Paydays Return With Big Profits at Wall Street Banks 

Talk about a raise. Citigroup’s chief executive, Vikram S. Pandit, after nearly two years of earning a mere $1 in salary while he tried put the bank back on track, has been awarded a $1.75 million salary, 

The Great Strike of 1877

Paul D'Amato looks at the 1877 railroad strike, which burst into the first national strike wave in the U.S. and heralded the emergence of the labor movement

The Big Obscenity: A Trillion Dollars a Year to the Richest 1% 

If you make less than $114,000 a year (90% of us), you've been financially damaged by the flow of income to the richest 1% of Americans over the past 30 years.

Republicans: Job, Economic Growth The Result Of GOP Victories 

Top Republicans are claiming credit for a variety of metrics showing that the economy is improving. Expect this meme to snowball, particularly as Democrats have done little, so far, to stop it.

Fearmongering on E-Verify 

Would you rather have a population of 675,000 illegal immigrants in Florida, as estimated by the Pew Hispanic Center, or 364,000?

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