Friday, September 3, 2010

Jobless Rate Worsens to 9.6% in August, Congress Needs to Act

Why is the right calling the shots?

    "DEFUND EVERYTHING. Get rid of the socialist aspects of government, not just in health care, but the other entitlement areas that are driving us into insolvency." That was the response of Alaska Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller, when Fox Business News asked him what parts of the federal government he would get rid of first.

Department of Labor Newsletter

    For most people, Labor Day marks the end of summer. However, the holiday was originally intended as a day to celebrate the contributions that working men and women have made to the strength and prosperity oft he country.

US Department of Labor announces final rule for Senior Community Service Employment Program

    WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration today announced a final rule regarding the Senior Community Service Employment Program. The final rule strengthens program aspects that will benefit unemployed, low-income older Americans who want to enter or re-enter the workforce. The rule will be effective on Oct.1.

Lawmakers Say Crackdown on Illegal Immigrants Would Have Downside

    TALLAHASSEE, FL (WFSU) - Voters liked the get-tough-on-illegal-immigration stance of Republican gubernatorial candidates Rick Scott and Bill McCollum. But as Margie Menzel reports, bipartisan opponents of an Arizona-style immigration law in Florida say Hispanic tourists might stay away from the state - and Hispanic voters might stay away from the polls.

Big leap in private health coverage predicted

‘Apathy Is Our Biggest Adversary in This Election’

Solis Labor Day Message Focuses on Jobs

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