Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Household income plunged in 2009

Household incomes shrank for the second year in a row in 2009, as the recession eroded the share of American families earning over $100,000 and swelled the ranks of people who are poor or just barely making it, according to census statistics released Tuesday.

D.C. disconnect: 400 fundraisers in 14 days - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

Inside the Capitol, lawmakers are largely marking time by naming post offices and passing a resolution to keep the government running through the elections.
But outside the Capitol, in the private rooms of Washington’s top steakhouses, political clubs and Capitol Hill townhouse salons, there is an epic money grab under way, with more than 400 fundraisers for House candidates in the two weeks leading up to Friday’s congressional adjournment

C-SPAN Video Player - House Judiciary Subcmte. Hearing on Immigration and Farm Labor

Comedian Stephen Colbert joined the panel of witnesses at a House hearing on immigrant farm workers. Mr. Colbert has partnered with United Farm Workers and their campaign calling on unemployed Americans to take jobs in the agriculture sector

Florida Politics | Sun Sentinel blog | Florida `progressives’ urge voting from home

A liberal group called Progress Florida is telling voters they can avoid the weather and the lines at the polls by signing up to cast mail-in ballots from home.
“For Florida progressives, voting has never been more important…or easier,” the group says

Blog - OpenCongress 

This Wall Street Journal report illustrates why the Democrats are losing the support of the unemployed even though it's the Republicans who have continually stood in the way of extending unemployment benefits:

YouTube - 1971 The Flying Burrito Brothers "Six Days on the Road"

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