Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Household income plunged in 2009
Household incomes shrank for the second year in a row in 2009, as the recession eroded the share of American families earning over $100,000 and swelled the ranks of people who are poor or just barely making it, according to census statistics released Tuesday.

D.C. disconnect: 400 fundraisers in 14 days - Chris Frates -
Inside the Capitol, lawmakers are largely marking time by naming post offices and passing a resolution to keep the government running through the elections.
But outside the Capitol, in the private rooms of Washington’s top steakhouses, political clubs and Capitol Hill townhouse salons, there is an epic money grab under way, with more than 400 fundraisers for House candidates in the two weeks leading up to Friday’s congressional adjournment

C-SPAN Video Player - House Judiciary Subcmte. Hearing on Immigration and Farm Labor
Comedian Stephen Colbert joined the panel of witnesses at a House hearing on immigrant farm workers. Mr. Colbert has partnered with United Farm Workers and their campaign calling on unemployed Americans to take jobs in the agriculture sector

Florida Politics | Sun Sentinel blog | Florida `progressives’ urge voting from home
A liberal group called Progress Florida is telling voters they can avoid the weather and the lines at the polls by signing up to cast mail-in ballots from home.
“For Florida progressives, voting has never been more important…or easier,” the group says

Blog - OpenCongress 

This Wall Street Journal report illustrates why the Democrats are losing the support of the unemployed even though it's the Republicans who have continually stood in the way of extending unemployment benefits:

YouTube - 1971 The Flying Burrito Brothers "Six Days on the Road"

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Llama on the lam: Llama reported on the loose In Brevard County Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Sarasota ROCKLEDGE, Florida -- Police on Monday continue to be on the lookout for a llama on the loose in Brevard County.

NOW Endorses Oct. 2 March on Washington: One Nation Working Together On Oct. 2, 2010, thousands will flood into Washington, D.C., to march as One Nation Working Together. NOW has endorsed this march and encourages our members and supporters to stand up for education, employment and equality for all by participating.

Patriotism Falsely Impugned Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida is falsely accusing his opponent of evading the Vietnam War draft, claiming "he doesn’t love this country."

Robert Scheer: So Long, Summers Finally! The announced departure of Lawrence Summers as the president's top economic adviser is welcome news. Harvard's loss in taking back its $586,996-a-year professor and "president emeritus," who is also paid millions by Wall Street on the side, is the nation's gain.

Rick Scott's plan to slash prison spending called a 'hoax,' 'shell game' - St. Petersburg Times TALLAHASSEE — Rick Scott's plan to curtail state spending and create 700,000 new jobs includes slashing $1 billion from the prison budget by cutting salaries, reducing health care costs and expanding inmate-run vegetable farms

Tidd, Workman talk issues in forum tonight FLORIDA TODAY Incumbent state Rep. Ritch Workman, R-Melbourne, and challenger Amy Tidd, a Democrat, will appear in a candidate forum tonight

Amendment 8 proponents push class-size changes Pensacola News Journal TALLAHASSEE — Proponents of Amendment 8, which would allow Florida's public schools to use averages rather than strict numbers to comply with class-size regulations, insist that they support smaller classrooms. National ag groups ask EPA to reconsider water strategy nationally and in Florida Environmental Protection Agency to delay a proposed action on water quality in Florida and to reconsider its strategy nationally because of the expected costs.

Governor names key Obama fundraiser to commission TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Gov. Charlie Crist, a former Republican running as an independent for the U.S. Senate, has named a key supporter of Democratic President Barack Obama to a key legal position

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday 17 September 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Obama Calls for $50 Billion Public Works Plan

Florida slow to spend federal stimulus cash

FIU gives downcast Labor Day report on state of Florida's work force - St. Petersburg Times

KSC workers refocus as cuts creep close

Alex Sink for Governor of Florida - Agenda | Jobs & Economy

Republican foes, lobbyists now flock to Scott

Commentary: Democrats for Crist? Stick with party, not polls.

Many Democrats more anti-Rubio than pro-anyone - Beth Reinhard

Schultz: Vote to repeal state's incumbent protection plan

LABOR DAY, AND THE WORK WE HAVE TO DO!/notes/jim-hightower/labor-day-and-...

Let's see where we are: 14.6 million people are officially out of work – 7.3 million of them for more than half a year. In the past two years, 55 percent of Americans have directly felt the sting of our country's ongoing Jobs Depression – 32 percent of this majority have lost jobs, 28 percent have had their hours involuntarily reduced, 23 percent have been forced to take pay cuts, and 11 percent have had their jobs converted from full-time to part-time07

Obama Calls for $50 Billion Public Works Plan

MILWAUKEE — President Obama, looking to stimulate a sluggish economy and create jobs, called Monday for Congress to approve major upgrades to the nation’s roads, rail lines and runways — part of a six-year plan that would cost tens of billions of dollars and create a government-run bank to finance innovative transportation projects

Florida slow to spend federal stimulus cash

WASHINGTON — Florida agencies have spent only about 40 percent of their share of federal stimulus money, a slow flow of funds that has made a limited impact on the state's dire job market.

FIU gives downcast Labor Day report on state of Florida's work force

Researchers at Florida International University are overflowing with numbing numbers that illustrate the Great Recession's destructive force

KSC workers refocus as cuts creep closer

Jaci Remrey woke up early one morning and thought, "Five weeks. That's all that's left of my job."
Remrey, 59, of Cocoa Beach, was recently notified she was being let go from Wiltech Corp. of Florida based at Kennedy Space Center. Her last day is Oct. 1

Alex Sink for Governor of Florida - Agenda | Jobs & Economy

Getting our state through this recession and coming out stronger and more prosperous on the other side will require a leader with experience in private business whose focus has always been entrepreneurship and problem solving

Republican foes, lobbyists now flock to Scott

TALLAHASSEE — In the aftermath of a mean-spirited primary, supporters of vanquished Bill McCollum are eagerly boarding the Rick Scott bandwagon, especially those Tallahassee special interests Scott vilified in the primary.

Commentary: Democrats for Crist? Stick with party, not polls.

Some in the Florida Democratic Party have gone missing. In the middle of one of the most important election cycles in Florida and U.S. history, some Democrats have run from policies to play politics instead of sticking to the principles that make us Democrats

Many Democrats more anti-Rubio than pro-anyone

Remember the saying ``Anyone But Bush'' among Democrats in 2004 who feared a second term by George W. Bush?
Florida Democrats are slinging a variation on the slogan for 2010: ``Anyone But Rubio.'

Schultz: Vote to repeal state's incumbent protection plan

In poll after poll, voters rage against the "political Establishment." On Nov. 2, Florida voters can put this rage to good use.
For all the justified griping about lobbyists and special interests, nothing exemplifies insider politics like the process every 10 years by which politicians in Florida pick their voters, rather than risk letting voters pick their politicians. It is to democracy what dealing from the bottom of the deck is to poker.