Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Wire for 12 September 2008

_KENDALL T. MOORE, I need your help!
Hello friends,
First, let me say that my campaign is rapidly picking up steam! In the short time since we started this race, we’ve already spoken with thousands (literally, THOUSANDS) of voters across our district who are tired of Tallahassee tricks that are played by the special interests and legislators who forget about those of us that voted to send them there. It is clear the voters of this district are ready for something new; they are ready to say “We Want Moore!”
But, I need your help. Political experts with tons of experience have painted a clear picture on the outcome of this race, and it comes down to one simple point........If we get the word out, WE WIN!! It’s that simple. With your donations, we can get that word out, and make sure that we can make a change in Tallahassee.
I need a favor. Can you go to and make a contribution now? We only have 24 hours left to meet our next critical fundraising deadline. The contribution limit is $500 per person or business entity, but I would be grateful for anything you can give.Please feel free to forward this email to all of your friends, family and colleagues.
Thanks so much for your help, and we'll see you in Tallahassee!"
PS – If you prefer to mail your donation, please send it to:
Kendall Moore for State Senate, 590 Solutions Way, Suite 110, Rockledge, FL 32955
Paid Political advertisement Paid For and Approved By Kendall Moore, Democrat for State Senate. Off Base on Sex Ed

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