Monday, March 28, 2011

Why Florida's unemployment rate is so much higher than national average - St. Petersburg Times

Mild euphoria over a substantial drop in Florida's unemployment rate last week may have overshadowed a harsh reality. Compared to most of the country, we're still pretty lousy

Column: A world without high school sports might be closer than you think - St. Petersburg Times

When the school board started talking about eliminating extracurricular activities — including all sports — Tom Willison never believed it would really happen.

Even lobbyists worry about Legislature's rush to deregulate

You know that the anti-government clamor in the Florida Legislature has reached a fever pitch when lobbyists are pleading to keep their industries regulated.

Early voting expansion hits partisan snag in Tallahassee -

Outraged Workers and Students Rally at the Capitol

Tallahassee Democrat -The House voted 73-40 on Friday to pass a Republican proposal that clamps down on union political activity.

Take Action

Tell General Electric: Pay your taxes

If you want to know why we're facing vicious budget cuts across the country, look no further than General Electric, America's largest corporation.

Urge Congress to support fair union elections for workers!

Anti-worker legislators are stealthily pushing a provision to count non-voters as "no" voters in union elections. It's undemocratic, and it will make it incredibly difficult for railway and airline workers to form unions.

ACTION ALERT: Contact Governor Scott About SunRail

Harsh Changes Proposed for Public Employees

Vote on Retirement Reform Thursday Harsh Changes Proposed for Public Employees***Urgent Action Alert***
Contact members of the House State Affairs Committee now and tell them to vote against HB 1405!

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