Thursday, December 9, 2010

Beats the hell out of catnip

Robert Reich: Why the Obama Tax Deal Confirms the Republican Worldview
In other words, the problem isn't big government. It's power and privilege at the top.

Workers bracing for "right-to-work" assault » peoplesworld
The right-wing Republican agenda is becoming more apparent as we inch closer and closer to January 2011 and the start of the new legislative session. Missouri Republicans will hold 26 of 34 state senate seats and 106 of 163 House seats giving them a veto proof majority – and the ability to set the legislative agenda. Internet Petitions

US Judge orders New Jersey nursing home to rehire two employees
Both were fired during a union organizing campaign

$18.9 billion: House OKs a modest raise for NASA | | FLORIDA TODAY
WASHINGTON — NASA would receive a modest funding boost under a spending bill the House approved Wednesday, although lawmakers still are negotiating overall government spending.

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