Friday, July 30, 2010

Crist leads way in race for U.S. Senate seat | | FLORIDA TODAY
TALLAHASSEE -- Gov. Charlie Crist leads in Florida's three-way U.S. Senate race over multiple combinations of opponents in a poll out today.
  • Titusville church helps I-95 bus fire victims | | FLORIDA TODAY

    Dozens of Virginia-bound youth whose belongings were destroyed overnight in a charter bus fire on Interstate 95, will get new shoes after word of their plight reached Titusville Pastor Glenn Dames.
  • Rubio Misfires on Crist’s Health Care Shift |

    Florida Gov. Charlie Crist’s position on the new federal health care law has shifted, but not as much as Marco Rubio’s latest ad says.
  • Rick Scott and Jeff Greene are frontrunners in new poll - St. Petersburg Times

    TALLAHASSEE — The anti-incumbent winds sweeping the country are kicking up a storm in Florida, where two super-rich political outsiders are threatening to knock off two veteran officeholders running for governor and U.S. Senate.
  • Judge tosses Florida Legislature-backed health care amendment off ballot - St. Petersburg Times

    TALLAHASSEE — Calling the wording of a Republican-backed constitutional amendment on health care "manifestly misleading," a Circuit Court judge in Leon County has tossed it off the November ballot.

  • Political Action: Democracy in Action

    Social Security is under attack. Conservatives who want to cut benefits are using these myths to scare people. Join our campaign to fight back against the lies.
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