Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Yeah, I'll drink THIS KOOL-AIDE
The hotel bellman worked without breaks for a 16-hour shift when he was asked, but didn't get the contracted gratuity in his paycheck.
A landscape subcontractor promised Guatemalan workers $100 a day for a week's work but disappeared on pay day.People in low-paying jobs -- U.S.-born and migrants alike -- are overly susceptible to unscrupulous employers who exploit them, as the South Florida Wage Theft Task Force has found
Welcome to the Online Wage Theft Resource Center
This is the central place to find information if you are looking into your options after having been cheated out of wages, or if you are simply looking to learn the basics regarding the issue of wage theft
As Brevard faces a difficult financial future, the Brevard County Commission is looking for your questions and ideas about the budget process. We’ll select some questions to ask the Brevard County Commissioners at our electronic town hall meeting on July 8 at 4:30 p.m.
Submit your budget questions for the county commission
If President Obama hoped that his meeting with key senators on Tuesday would produce anything resembling a consensus on energy legislation, he came away disappointed. Democratic leaders emerged from the meeting expressing their grudging willingness to compromise further — provided some sort of emissions limits are put in place — while Republicans continued to hammer emissions controls as an “energy tax.”
The fledgling coffee party group, formed largely in response to the better known and louder tea party movement, is taking on the proposed Florida constitutional amendments that would reform legislative and congressional redistricting.On amendments 5, 6 and 7, the coffee party's stand is yes, yes and no.
Want to get elected to the Florida Legislature or to a prime seat in the U.S. Congress?
If you’re a Republican, you may not have to win the support of voters in your district. In some cases, all you have to do is win the favor of party leaders
This time last year, Gov. Charlie Crist appeared to have a lock on Florida’s 2010 Senate race, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee breaking its long-established tradition of not getting involved in primaries to declare him the “candidate with the best chance to win.”
How times change.
TALLAHASSEE - Some of the innermost secrets of the Republican Party of Florida spilled out in the open on Tuesday as prosecutors released documents that raise additional questions about the ongoing financial scandal that has resulted in the arrest of the former party chairman.
To hear them tell it, the forces arrayed against Amendment 4 represent a broad coalition — Republicans and Democrats, environmentalists and developers, average citizens and the local governments that represent them.
t really is kind of a sad year for campaign gimmicks. All the Democrats mimic each other. All the Republicans mimic each other. Even rich guys spending their own money is nothing new

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