Wednesday, February 3, 2010

03 FEB 10 Florida ballot proposal targets class size limits - Education - TALLAHASSEE — A newly filed ballot proposal to weaken Florida’s class size limits drew immediate opposition Tuesday from the statewide teachers union and U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek, who led a 2002 campaign that put the requirements in the state constitution.

Pushing kids and teachers to the bottom | PEOPLE2 Adrienne Johnstone, a member of United Educators of San Francisco and the Educators for a Democratic Union caucus in her union, looks at the destructive impact of the latest education “reform” proposals from the Obama administration.

AFL-CIO NOW BLOG | Poll: Public Supports Stimulus Provisions As Congress considers new jobs legislation, a new poll shows a large majority of the public supports the basic provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

Americans Can Buy American Just when you thought the turmoil with unsafe toys from China was terminated and you thought your children could safely play with any toy imported from anywhere, we learn that Chinese producers have replaced lead with hazardous levels of cadmium

Dancing around the pain - Hardly anyone in Florida hasn't felt the sting of the state's economy, from its hemorrhaging housing market to its dangerously high unemployment.

Six measures make 2010 ballot - St. Petersburg Times TALLAHASSEE — Voters will decide on six proposed constitutional amendments this fall with Monday's end to the window for proposals to qualify for the ballot.

Rasmussen poll: Rubio 49%, Crist 37%; Obama disapproval at 58% | Post on Politics The latest Rasmussen Reports poll shows Marco Rubio opening up a 12-point lead on Gov. Charlie Crist in the GOP Senate primary race. Rubio’s lead is beyond the poll’s 5 percent margin of error.
Rasmussen had Rubio and Crist tied at 43 percent in a poll last month. A Quinnipiac University poll last week showed Rubio with a small lead.

Florida GOP aims to weaken class-size amendment as final caps take effect this year TALLAHASSEE — More than $16 billion and eight years later after voters put class-size limits into the state constitution, GOP lawmakers are once again trying to weaken the caps while teachers and Democrats are lining up to fight it.

More federal dollars could come to Brevard schools | | FLORIDA TODAY President Obama's budget plan would judge schools based on academic growth and progress from one year to the next.Brevard Public Schools could benefit from that and receive more federal dollars.

Obama budget's military increase should reach Brevard | | FLORIDA TODAY Obama's 2 percent proposed increase in the military budget could help high-tech industries in Brevard County

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