Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Charlie Crist loses his shine – Alex Sink, Bill McCollum finally do their jobs --
After nearly three years of wooing Floridians with doe-eyed gazes and pretty words, residents seem to have finally woken up to the fact that their charmer-in-chief has about as much substance as a bowl of Jell-O.
The public option mirage
A plan that forces people to buy insurance, and then offers no affordable alternative, isn't reform at all, but the opposite.
Bank of America Case Study
Workers Lose Jobs, CEO Keeps His After Running Bank Into the Ground
Bank of America, bailout in hand, continues lobbying efforts
WASHINGTON — As Bank of America faces intensifying congressional oversight during the nation's worst economy since the Great Depression, the company has spent more than $1.5 million lobbying on Capitol Hill.
EFCA -- Banks use your money to lobby against pro-worker bill
Your tax dollars at work against EFCA MSNBC exposes Bank of America, Citigroup
Don’t Leave Health Insurance Oversight to the States
Leaving Health Insurance Oversight to State Regulators Is a Dangerous Idea
Palin to speak at CofC annual meeting
DAYTONA BEACH -- Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will be the featured speaker for the Daytona Beach Area Chamber of Commerce's 90th annual meeting Feb. 15, executive committee chairman Ted Doran said Monday.
Biggest Executive Bonuses of the Past Decade - Slideshows -

Robert Reich's Blog: Health Care Reform is Critically Important, But Getting Americans Back to Work is More So
Presidents tend to overcompensate for the errors of their predecessors in the same party and in so doing sow seeds of their own mistakes.
MARITIME TRADES DEPARTMENT AFL-CIO : AFSCME Member Featured on Cover of Time Magazine for Heroism in Afghanistan
The heroism and sacrifice of a member of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) recently was featured in Time magazine.

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