Friday, October 23, 2009 Crash the Big Banks Party
This weekend, Wall Street CEOs are flying to Chicago to party it up on our dime. It's the American Bankers Association's annual conference - hosted by the lobbying group that takes millions of our tax dollars from America's bailed out banks. We may be paying for it, but we aren't invited.
The White House - Blog Post - Women, Mothers, Families and Reform
We've discussed health insurance reform from a lot of different perspectives here at, from doctors to seniors to small business owners. In a new video, First Lady Michelle Obama discusses it as a woman, and as a mom:
A decade of losses for working families Heidi Shierholz, a labor economist at the Economic Policy Institute and co-author of The State of Working America 2008-2009, spoke to Lee Sustar about the problem of long-term unemployment that is gripping the U.S. economy.
Take Action: Real Health Care Reform Now!
Real Health Care Reform Now! Nothing communicates better to a member of Congress than a personal letter from a constituent. A short letter is fine. A few tips:
Buzz Aldrin: Mr. President, Will You Lead Us to Greatness in Space?
The roadmap is now complete. Today the commission formed to provide President Barack Obama with a series of potential pathways to America's future in space has delivered its final report. Officials in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP, as they say in Washington) received the report from my friend Chairman Norm
Robert Reich's Blog: Why Wall Street Reform is Stuck in Reverse
At a conference in London, a Goldman Sachs international adviser, Brian Griffiths, praised inequality. As his company was putting aside $16.7 billion for compensation and benefits in the first nine months of 2009, up 46 percent from a year earlier, Griffiths told us not to worry. “We have to tolerate the inequality as a way to achieve greater prosperity and opportunity for all,” he said.
Augustine final report set for release today
The presidential committee reviewing options for NASA's human space exploration program is expected to release its final report today.
Richard Trumka: Showdown in Chicago
I'm going to Chicago next week for the American Bankers Association meeting. Oddly, I haven't been invited to the Roaring '20's dance party I hear they're having.
Glenn Beck Slams Obama Encouraging Volunteerism: "Almost Like We're Living In Mao's China" (VIDEO)
The Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF), a Hollywood charitable organization, has helped to organize a push in the television industry to encourage volunteerism among the citizenry. The support for volunteerism will be spread across 60 shows, and in some cases woven into the plot lines.
Health experts say the swine flu vaccine is safe and effective, but many parents still think it's too risky for their kids - St. Petersburg Times
Thousands of American kids are getting sick from the swine flu epidemic, which has hit months before the traditional flu season

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