Friday, August 15, 2008

The Wire for 15 August 2008

Income chasm widening in state - The Boston Globe
It's not just Florida not just Commie Pinko (or worst Liberal) New York Times reporting the story
Consumer prices surge, job market remains strained
Another "surge" can't wait to see the results of this one.
Study Tallies Corporations Not Paying Income Tax -
And no-bid contracts What a Country!, no wonder we have an immigration problem of multi-national corporations swimming across the oceans
Orlando Sentinel - Black voters fuel Florida Democratic registration surge by Aaron Deslatte
Finally a surge that I can support
32 protesters arrested outside Disneyland
ANAHEIM, Calif. - Cinderella, Snow White, Tinkerbell were handcuffed, frisked and loaded into police vans Thursday at the culmination of a labor protest that brought a touch of reality to the Happiest Place on Earth
Poverty, health fears leave kids unvaccinated - 08/15/2008 -
What happens to your children when Little Johnnie next to them coughs?.
WMFE Public Broadcasting Stations : Ballot 2008 - U.S. Congress, District 24, Democrats
Better than most, do you really think I was going to say who I thought won?
The truth will set you free and I don't want to leave just yet
Candidates face off on Brevard's issues FLORIDA TODAY
Candidates face off on Brevard's issues, dang thought I would get to see a hockey game, all they did was talk
District 3 commission candidates address jobs, water issues FLORIDA
Elvis Presley:" Return to sender, address unknown"
We recommend FLORIDA TODAY Ralph Kennedy Port Authority
Funny Florida Today wouldn't publish Space Coast AFL-CIO Recommendations, the power of ink by the barrel and paper by the ton
still we own the cyber space so please subscribe to Space Coast Working News (unashamed plug for Working News newsletter)
Ron Stump is the clear choice for Space Coast in State House District 31
I'm stumped, I'm a Democrat or Christian Right and can't vote in the election.
Orlando Sentinel - Crist proposes fact-free economic stimulus plan by Aaron Deslatte
Hurray! We found the money for intrastructure just in time for the election!
Orlando Sentinel - UPDATE: McCain, Obama and Bush(?) in Central Florida by Jim Stratton
Good idea to have Bush at this Convention for Veterans of Foreign Wars,
He has done so much to increase the membership of that organization, he should be recognized by them

Man fatally shoots Ark. Dem. chairman at party HQ - Yahoo! News
Hate+ Fear+Mental Illness= death

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