Thursday, May 8, 2008

Action Alert 05/07/08

How much do you know about John McCain?

Did you know that he wants to tax your health benefits, while cutting billions in taxes for oil and insurance companies? Or that he thinks the economic difficulties experienced by working families are merely “psychological”? How about the fact McCain has claimed we’ve actually made economic progress these past eight years?
It’s time working families know how out of touch John McCain is with struggling working people—those of us who are dealing with rising prices, stagnating wages and a stalling economy.
You can help. Join the Labor 2008 kickoff walks on Saturday, May 17. The walks are only the beginning. Keep an eye out for our future Labor 2008 activities to get the word out about McCain—including walks, phone banks, letters to the editor campaigns and worksite leafleting.Click here to R.S.V.P. for a Labor 2008 walk near you.Walks will begin in Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, and Tallahassee. You can search by ZIP code for a walk here.
NOTE: Walks are only open to members of local unions that are affiliated with the AFL-CIO, a state or area labor federation or a central labor council.
And you can learn more about John McCain’s anti-worker record at “McCain Revealed: The Briefing Book.”
With only six months left in this election, getting information out to union voters is critical. Working families from around the country will be walking to union households to talk about Sen. John McCain’s anti-worker record and the danger his potential presidency holds.
When it comes to the concerns of working families, McCain is out of touch. His only solution is to continue the same economic policies that got us here in the first place.
On a recent trip to Youngstown, Ohio, McCain promoted the trade policies that have wreaked havoc on working families—right in front of a shuttered factory.
And the more he travels around the country, the more he proves that when it comes to working family issues, he just doesn’t get it. He opposes the minimum wage, wants to tax health care benefits and leaves us to battle it out with big insurance companies on our own.
He’s refused to protect our overtime pay, didn’t bother to vote to protect us from pay discrimination, voted to block health and safety standards and opposed the Employee Free Choice Act. When he’s talking about jobs, he doesn’t mention that he voted to help corporations send them overseas.
Many working families don’t know the truth about John McCain—and we need you to help us change that.
Please join other working families from Florida at the Labor 2008 kickoff walks on Saturday, May 17.
Click here to R.S.V.P. at the walk location nearest you. And check out “McCain Revealed: The Briefing Book” to learn more about McCain’s anti-worker record.In solidarity,
Working Families e-Activist Network, AFL-CIO
P.S. Spread the word to fellow members of your union. Ask them to clear their schedules and mark their calendars—we need to have a strong turnout for our first Labor 2008 walks on May 17.

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