Wednesday, May 28, 2008

wire for 5/28/08

CIW Wins Fight with Burger King
May 23, 2008 CIW website
CIW, Burger King to work together : Burger King campaign comes to an end with historic press conference, signing ceremony at US Capitol! Read more

New G.I. Bill Would Help Vets Get College Education
by Seth Michaels, May 23, 2008 AFL-CIO Now Blog
While passing the extension of unemployment assistance by a veto-proof margin yesterday, the Senate also overwhelmingly approved a new bill to help veterans pay for college.The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act is an expansion of the historic G.I. Bill, which helped a generation of veterans attend college and work their way into the middle class. The original G.I. Bill, enacted in June 1944, helped millions of veterans returning from World War II (and later from other wars) get needed education or job training and enabled broad prosperity. Read more

Federal Employees Concerned About McCain’s Record on Veterans
by Seth Michaels, May 27, 2008 AFL-CIO Blog
Last week, the U.S. Senate passed a groundbreaking update to the G.I. Bill, which would cover the cost of college education for all returning veterans.
By ensuring our nation’s veterans have access to education, this bill would honor
their service and give them the opportunity to have good jobs and economic security Read more

Realtors pony up for Amendment 5
posted by Aaron Deslatte on May 23, 2008 6:11:04 PM Orlando Sentinel
The Florida Association of Realtors on Friday officially decided to devote at least $1 million to the campaign to pass Amendment 5, the property tax swap on the Nov. 4 ballot.
Realtors VP John Sebree said the group would "start with $1 million," and could invest more depending on what their opponents do and what the political landscape looks like. Read more

Volusia boosts Kosmas Donors raise $247,000 in bid to unseat Feeney
By JIM SAUNDERS 26 May 2008 Tallahassee Bureau Chief Daytona News Journal
TALLAHASSEE -- If Suzanne Kosmas unseats U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney this year, she will owe a big debt of gratitude to Volusia County.
Volusia contributors poured more than $247,000 into Kosmas' campaign from October through March, helping the New Smyrna Beach Democrat gain a slight edge over Feeney in the battle for election cash, federal records show Read more

Massachusetts LG blasts CSX
posted by Aaron Deslatte on May 27, 2008 2:28:24 PM Orlando Sentinel
Last spring, Massachusetts Lt. Gov. Timothy Murray's office called Florida CFO Alex Sink to alert her to a train wreck in Canton where a CSX freight train lost control and hit a passenger car, injuring more than 100 people.
Sink's office at the time was deciding whether to step in more forcefully to Florida's debate over the CSX-Central Florida Florida commuter rail deal, and the wreck helped galvanize opponents to giving the company a no-fault insurance policy on the rail line Read more

Justices Say Law Bars Retaliation Over Bias Claims
By LINDA GREENHOUSE Published: May 28, 2008 NY Times
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that employees are protected from retaliation when they complain about discrimination in the workplace, adopting a broad interpretation of workers’ rights under two federal civil rights laws. Read more

Friday, May 23, 2008

The wire for 05/23/08

Space bill passes
posted by Tammy Lytle on May 20, 2008 11:33:06 AM Orlando Sentinel
A bill opening the way for more international cooperation in the manned space program and increasing NASA spending passed the House Science Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics this morning.
The bill would put $20.12 billion into NASA - about $2.6 billion more than President Bush has proposed. Even supporters of the bill aren't too optimistic about coming up with that increase as the bill moves through the full committee, House and Senate

Lobbying price in Tally: At least $30 million
posted by Aaron Deslatte on May 20, 2008 5:37:38 PM Orlando Sentinel
Even in bad economic times, one sector of Florida's economy immune from budget cuts is the lobbying corps, which banked at least $30 million over the first three months of this year.
That total for the period spanning from January through the end of March has remained roughly constant since Florida began forcing lobbying firms to disclose their pay ranges in 2006.

Fear and Loathing in Prime Time
Immigration Myths and Cable News
Media Matters 21May 2008
There are many problems facing the United States today: a faltering economy, a health-care crisis, and the continuing war in Iraq, to name a few. But viewers of some of the most prominent cable news programs are presented a different reality, one in which one issue stands above all others: illegal immigration.
Media Matters Action Network undertook this study in order to document the rhetoric surrounding immigration that is heard on cable news. When it comes to this issue, cable news overflows not just with vitriol, but also with a series of myths that feed viewers' resentment and fears, seemingly geared toward creating anti-immigrant hysteria

Hunger Striker Hospitalized, Others Rally on Capitol Hill
by Mike Hall, May 21, 2008 AFL-CIO
This morning, Christopher Glory, in the eighth day of a water-only hunger strike to demand the U.S. government put an end to the abuses in a visa program that workers’ rights advocates liken to human trafficking, was rushed to a Washington, D.C., hospital for strike-related health problems

Greer Says Sasso's Re-election, Not in the Cards
posted by John Kennedy on May 21, 2008 11:30:54 AM Orlando Sentinel
Florida Republican Party Chairman Jim Greer offered some not-so-subtle advice for Democratic Rep. Tony Sasso of Cocoa Beach, holder of a decidedly Republican-tilting Central Florida seat.
"I wouldn't buy another box of business cards if I was Sasso," Greer said Wednesday morning, in handicapping a number of legislative races the party was eyeing.

Florida Senate Republicans start raising coin
posted by Aaron Deslatte on May 20, 2008 4:04:11 PM Orlando Sentinel
Sensing some tough fights this fall, a group of Republicans in the Florida Senate have banded together to start raising coin to defend their 26-14 majority in the chamber.
We told you last week that Sens. Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton, and Alex Diaz de la Portilla, R-Miami, had launched a new political committee called the Alliance for a Strong Economy.
Turns out, Sens. Mike Haridopolos, R-Indialantic, J.D. Alexander, R-Winter Haven, and Senate President Ken Pruitt have also signed on to raise money for the group.

Machinists' union presses for Florida delegates
posted by Tammy Lytle on May 20, 2008 4:07:01 PM Orlando Sentinel
The machinists are the latest to lobby the Democratic National Committee to count Florida and Michigan delegates at this summer's presidential nominating convention. The Democratic National Committee's Rules and Bylaws Committee is expected to decide on May 31 whether to count any of the delegates from those two states, which had their primary votes earlier than party rules allow

Senate Ignores Bush Veto Threat, Approves Extended Jobless Aid
by Mike Hall, May 22, 2008 AFL-CIO
The more than 200,000 workers a month who run out of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits before finding new jobs may get a helping hand. Today, the U.S. Senate, by a surprising 75-22 veto-proof vote, approved a measure to extend UI benefits for the long-term jobless.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Wire for 05/19/08

McCain Campaign Threatens Oregon Union Members with Arrest
by Seth Michaels, May 15, 2008
John McCain paid a visit to Portland, Ore., this week. As usual, AFL-CIO union members came out to try to speak to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee about important issues—and, as usual, they were turned away.
In fact, McCain campaign aides were so unhappy to be confronted that they threatened these union members with arrest if they approached the room in which McCain was holding an
event. More

Business did well during session
By MONICA 04/05/08 Miami Herdald
The business lobby said the legislative session was surprisingly good despite huge budget cuts and the passage of a guns-at-work law backed by the National Rifle Association. Read more

Lawmakers seek stronger U.S.-world ties in space
Mark K. Matthews and Robert Block Sentinel Staff Writers May 17, 2008
WASHINGTON - President Bush had a simple plan for NASA in 2004. Stick another American flag on the moon and launch a new American-led space age. Four years later, Democrats in Congress have unveiled another idea. Going it alone is expensive; let's invite the world.,0,4235665.story Read More

The Real McCain, video by Robert Greenwald To view

Cannon: Commuter Rail Needs "Simple, Agreed, Accepted" Plan
posted by John Kennedy on May 15, 2008 1:50:56 PM
Central Florida's commuter rail plans stalled when the Legislature adjourned earlier this month without approving legislation clearing the way for CSX Corp. to sell its tracks to private operators and pulling in federal matching funding.
But Rep. Dean Cannon, R-Winter Garden, said Thursday that talks continue among supporters seeking to develop a strategy to resolve a range of legal, financial and political issues that sidetracked the rail measure Read more

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Wire for 05/14/08

Amid probe, property appraiser to seek re-election
Ford: 'Compelled' to run by supporters, employees
Dismissing concerns about a state probe into alleged wrongdoing by his office, Brevard County Property Appraiser Jim Ford announced Monday he would seek a sixth term.In a statement, Ford said he was "compelled" to run this year by supporters and employees, and by "opportunistic" candidates he said have been telling donors he was not running Read More.....

Beth Allen to run for supervisor of elections
Saying she was not "a shrinking violet," the wife of former State Rep. Bob Allen is running for supervisor of elections.Beth Allen announced her candidacy this week. "I could have just curled up and died or decided to go on," she said. "I’m Beth Allen. I’m an individual, and I’m going on." Read more......

Housing bill a fair bailout
Bush jumped to help bankrupt bank, but now won't help homeowners?
May 12, 2008 Opinion News-Journal Daytona
The housing bill the House of Representatives approved Thursday should be good news for large segments of the economy and the population of Volusia and Flagler counties. But don't celebrate yet. President Bush is threatening to veto it. He says the bill, which may entail a $2.4 billion federal bailout of bad mortgages, "will reward speculators and lenders." Bush never raised that objection when the Federal Reserve, using taxpayer money, tendered a $30 billion bailout of Bear Stearns, the nearly bankrupt investment bank, in March. But that's how absurd the congressional debate about the housing bill got this week. Read more.....

Brazilian airplane builder may come to Brevard County
Gov. Charlie Crist and executives from Brazilian jet manufacturer Embraer are scheduled to be in Melbourne today to discuss details of a $41 million aviation project expected to create at least 200 jobs. The news comes after weeks of closed-door meetings with company executives and state and Brevard County economic development officials Read more....

Expanding Guest Worker Program Would Hurt U.S. Workers
by James Parks, May 12, 2008
With 7 million U.S. workers unemployed, why do employers clamor that they need to import foreign workers to work in low-wage jobs as dishwashers, hotel maids, crab pickers and landscape laborers? The answer is simple, according to Ross Eisenbrey, vice president of the Economic Policy Institute (EPI):
There isn’t a shortage of workers willing to do these jobs. There’s a shortage of employers willing to pay a decent wage
Read More

Mood improves at emergency shelter
FLORIDA TODAY staff reports • May 13, 2008
8:44 p.m.: Another 66 people sign up for shelter
PALM BAY – Despite another 66 people signed up to spend the night at the emergency shelter set up at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, the mood is significantly different from last night according to a volunteer. "Last night, there were a lot of people who were distraught," said American Red Cross volunteer Clayton Moore. "They seem to have gotten over that. Many people now are just here for basic needs. But they are not in shock like they were."
Read More

U.S. Senate approves Nat'l Cat Fund study
posted by Mark Matthews Orlando Sentinel on May 13, 2008 6:02:42 PM
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Senate voted Tuesday to study whether it’s feasible to create a national catastrophe fund, which would help states such as Florida recover from major disasters.
The provision was included in a larger measure to reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program. Both Florida senators supported the measure, which passed 92-6. It now goes into conference with the House.
Read more.....

Union Member-to-Member Walks to Reach Thousands This Weekend
by Seth Michaels, AFL-CIO Blog May 13, 2008
Around the country this Saturday, thousands of union members will get a visit from their fellow union members and have a chance to learn about the issues they care about in November’s elections.
This weekend’s door-to-door canvass is at the center of the AFL-CIO union movement’s effort to mobilize more than 6,000 union volunteers to knock on 200,000 doors and engage union members in 20 states this spring Read more......

Senate Takes Step to Approve Bargaining Rights for Public Safety Officers
by Mike Hall, AFL-CIO Blog May 13, 2008
The U.S. Senate today moved a step closer to approving legislation that would protect the collective bargaining rights of tens of thousands of firefighters, police officers, emergency medical technicians and other public safety officers.
By a
69–29 vote, the Senate killed a filibuster led by several extreme anti-worker Republican senators against the workers’ rights bill Read more..

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The wire for 05/12/08

McCain to 14-Year-Old Girl: ‘No Fair Pay for You’
by Seth Michaels, May 8, 2008 AFL-CIO
Sen. John McCain is used to getting softball questions from his fans in the media. At his town hall meeting yesterday in Michigan, however, he finally took a tough, smart question from an unexpected source.
When a 14-year-old girl attending the meeting got to ask a question of a presidential candidate, she took the opportunity to ask why he
skipped out on voting on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.Read More

Global Food Crisis The New World of Soaring Food Prices
Series Washington Post
Read More

The Progressive Generation
How Young Adults Think About the Economy
By David Madland, Amanda Logan May 6, 2008 Center for American Progress
Read More

Space Florida budget cut by 43 percent
CAPE CANAVERAL — The state’s primary aerospace economic development agency will have its budget cut by almost 43 percent this year. But officials with Space Florida don’t expect layoffs or pay cuts.Florida Gov. Charlie Crist requested $8.5 million for Space Florida in his 2008-09 spending plan, which would have been a $1.5 million increase over the agency’s $7 million budget in 2007-08
Read More

Outdoor Workers Not Screened for Skin Cancer, Research Says
By Katherine Torres May 6, 2008 Occupational Hazards
New research has determined that employees working outdoors in the construction, forestry, fishing or farming industries are least likely to receive skin exams, despite their increased risk of incurring skin cancer from regular exposure to the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays.
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Child Labor Rings Reach China’s Distant Villages
By DAVID BARBOZA Published: May 10, 2008 NY Times
LIANGSHAN, China — The mud and brick schoolhouses in the lush mountain villages of this remote part of southwestern China are dark and barebones in the best of times. These days, they also lack students Residents say children as young as 12 have been recruited by child labor rings, equipped with fake identification cards, and transported hundreds of miles across the country to booming coastal cities, where they work 12-hour shifts to produce much of the world’s toys, clothes and electronics
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Massachusetts AFL-CIO Program Awards $1 Million in Scholarships
by James Parks, May 10, 2008 AFL-CIO
Higher education is no longer a far off dream parents once had for their children but a necessity in today’s economy—and an expensive necessity at that. Recent studies show workers with a college degree earn 45 percent more than those with a high school diploma. Yet college tuition costs are at an all-time high, making it harder for working families to afford it.
Read More


By RICK PERLSTEINReviewed by GEORGE F. WILL Sunday New York Times Book Review
Rick Perlstein’s sprawling, rollicking book argues that Richard Nixon is the explanation for everything — or at least for the rise of the right and the decline of almost everything else
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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Action Alert 05/07/08

How much do you know about John McCain?

Did you know that he wants to tax your health benefits, while cutting billions in taxes for oil and insurance companies? Or that he thinks the economic difficulties experienced by working families are merely “psychological”? How about the fact McCain has claimed we’ve actually made economic progress these past eight years?
It’s time working families know how out of touch John McCain is with struggling working people—those of us who are dealing with rising prices, stagnating wages and a stalling economy.
You can help. Join the Labor 2008 kickoff walks on Saturday, May 17. The walks are only the beginning. Keep an eye out for our future Labor 2008 activities to get the word out about McCain—including walks, phone banks, letters to the editor campaigns and worksite leafleting.Click here to R.S.V.P. for a Labor 2008 walk near you.Walks will begin in Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, and Tallahassee. You can search by ZIP code for a walk here.
NOTE: Walks are only open to members of local unions that are affiliated with the AFL-CIO, a state or area labor federation or a central labor council.
And you can learn more about John McCain’s anti-worker record at “McCain Revealed: The Briefing Book.”
With only six months left in this election, getting information out to union voters is critical. Working families from around the country will be walking to union households to talk about Sen. John McCain’s anti-worker record and the danger his potential presidency holds.
When it comes to the concerns of working families, McCain is out of touch. His only solution is to continue the same economic policies that got us here in the first place.
On a recent trip to Youngstown, Ohio, McCain promoted the trade policies that have wreaked havoc on working families—right in front of a shuttered factory.
And the more he travels around the country, the more he proves that when it comes to working family issues, he just doesn’t get it. He opposes the minimum wage, wants to tax health care benefits and leaves us to battle it out with big insurance companies on our own.
He’s refused to protect our overtime pay, didn’t bother to vote to protect us from pay discrimination, voted to block health and safety standards and opposed the Employee Free Choice Act. When he’s talking about jobs, he doesn’t mention that he voted to help corporations send them overseas.
Many working families don’t know the truth about John McCain—and we need you to help us change that.
Please join other working families from Florida at the Labor 2008 kickoff walks on Saturday, May 17.
Click here to R.S.V.P. at the walk location nearest you. And check out “McCain Revealed: The Briefing Book” to learn more about McCain’s anti-worker record.In solidarity,
Working Families e-Activist Network, AFL-CIO
P.S. Spread the word to fellow members of your union. Ask them to clear their schedules and mark their calendars—we need to have a strong turnout for our first Labor 2008 walks on May 17.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Action Alert 05/05/08


LABOR 2008

This year, we can make a significant change in the direction of our country—toward that doesn’t jeopardize our wages at the bargaining table, an economy that works for all of us and a positive future for our children.
affordable health care WALK
Join us as we talk to our union brothers and sisters about the
issues at stake in this election and the candidates’ positions in our
first national walk day of 2008
May 17, 2008 10AM-2PM
820 Virginia Drive
Orlando, FL 32803
TO SIGN UP, Contact: Stacy Stepanovich

Wire for 05/05/08

Lawyers to probe state investment pool brokers - 04/30/2008 –
TALLAHASSEE -- The state is hiring a law firm to investigate the brokers who sold securities that were later downgraded to Florida's Local Government Investment Pool, leading to a run on the pool.
Read More
Orlando Sentinel - Brevard gets new elections supervisor by Aaron Deslatter
Gov. Charlie Crist today appointed Hubert C. Childress Jr., 64, or Mer
read more
FPL plans conversion for Canaveral plant BY JIM WAYMER • FLORIDA TODAY • April 30, 2008
FPL's proposal to modernize its power plants would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by millions of tons and help address the serious challenge of global climate change,” Crist said in a statement. “This move continues FPL's strong leadership role on the environment. . . I look forward to the state of Florida continuing its partnership with FPL to secure an even better environmental future for our“children.” Read more
Nelson seeks to stop Patrick housing deal BY R. NORMAN MOODY • FLORIDA TODAY • April 30, 2008
Nelson seeks to stop Patrick housing deal Air Force may turn land over to developer
Read More
Bill aimed at easing pain of shuttle's demise BY RYAN HIRAKI • FLORIDA TODAY CAPITAL BUREAU • April 30, 2008
Bill aimed at easing pain of shuttle's demise
Read more