Monday, March 10, 2008

The Wire for 3/10/08

The Wire for3/10/08

Workers question quality after Halifax Health pay cuts

Brevard's jobless rate up in January
Angry Boeing supporters target McCain

An action request concerning Boeing Tanker bid

Salandra Benton-Hanna
Organizing Director
AFSCME Florida Council 79
3064 Highland Oaks Terrace
Tallahassee, Florida 32301
> Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 06:58:54 -0800
> From: ronnie751
Subject: Fwd: FW: message sent to members

Hello Everyone,
> As many of you know the Air Force gave the contract
to build the Tankers to EADS. This is a huge slap in
the face of American workers. If Boeing would have
received this contract we would have been able to hire
more people into U nion paying jobs.
I am asking each of you to please take a moment to
read the e-mail below and respond to the White house
and to your Congress People and Senators. And pass it
along to the other Sisters and Brothers that you know;
we need to get the message out the we will not stand
for our tax dollars and jobs being sent out of our
country. It is important we make this a national issue of concern to all American
In Unity,
Ronnie Behnke
US Government Sells Out America
To All American Citizens:

On February 29th 2008, the Department of Defense
chose Airbus and European workers over Boeing and American workers
for Air Force Tanker. This is the second largest military contract in US history!
44,000 family wage jobs will be lost to Europe: Jobs YOU will pay for
with YOUR taxes.
There have been protests by many concerned American citizens. However
Congress and The White House MUST see a nationwide outcry over this
ill-conceived decision.
We need ALL American citizens to send a message to their Senators,
Representatives and the White House.
Lookup your: US Senator here

US Congressional Representative here

Boeing operates in 40 states and has suppliers in all 50 states of the
US. This decision by the Defense Acquisition Board adversely affects
every tax paying American.
The proud men and women who build the finest
aircraft in the world are asking for your help.
This betrayal of America will transfer $40 billion of technology, jobs,
military and economic security to our nation's rival
in the aerospace industry. It also places our national sovereignty
at risk by giving France and other Foreign decision makers power over
whether or not to produce our military hardware if they disagree with
military action by our government.

We ask that you cc Senator Patty Murray and Senator Maria Cantwell from
Washington State in your correspondence. We know you will have statements and questions of
your own.
Once again, thank you for your help as we try to> reverse this bad decision for America.

Some message examples include:
1) Our military hardware should be labeled "Made in
the U.S.A." NOT made in France
2) In the future, if France disagrees with our
military action will they continue to deliver our tankers?
3) With our economy teetering on the edge of
recession w hy would our government ship $40 billion worth of defense jobs
4) It is wrong to give away America's aerospace manufacturing jobs at a
time when our nation has a record trade deficit?
5) With respect to the air refueling tanker contract, why did the U.S.
Air Force decide the location of the jobs created by the contract was of
no importance?
6) Why is the U.S. Government granting a $40 billion contract to Airbus
for Air Force tankers while filing charges on Airbus through the World
Trade Organization for unfair and illegal developmental subsidies?
These are the same type of subsidies used to create the very Airbus made
Tankers the US now wants to buy?

Email address as follows:

Email to the White House
cc Your Representative
> > Senator Patty Murray:
> >
> > Senator Maria Cantwell
> >
Senator Patty Murray of Washington State has included a Petition to sign.
Please log onto to sign the tanker petition.
If you also cc on what you
send, we can track the activity to ensure we are being effective in this effort.
> > Be sure to visit our web site at
> > for up to date
> > information
> > FOR MORE INFORMATION email your questions to
> >

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