Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Think Progress » VIDEO FLASHBACK: GOP Lawmakers Repeatedly Said Americans Would ‘Die’ Under Democratic Health Plans
In a controversial speech on the House floor yesterday, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) said that the Republican alternative health care proposals would force sick Americans to “die quickly.” Grayson’s sadly accurate statement wasn’t meant to say that Republicans want people to die, but rather, as Igor Volsky explained, their opposition to meaningful health reform would lead to those very unfortunate circumstances.
Taxpayer-Funded Destruction « The Pump Handle
Several years ago when I was writing an article about solar energy, I tried without success to find a reliable figure for how much the U.S. spent subsidizing fossil fuels. So I was delighted to see that the Environmental Law Institute has released a report that answers that very question
Orlando Sentinel - The fraudulent reign of Charlie Crist
I was amazed listening to Charlie run around Michigan, taking credit for Florida’s education gains. "When I got elected governor, out of 50 states, Florida in K-12 education was ranked 31st — 31st out of 50. Not so good,'' Crist said. "Last year we went from 31st to 14 and this year, top 10. We're very proud of that,"
Poll: Wal-Mart is America's business icon - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
When you think of what business best symbolizes America today, do you think Wal-Mart
The rebellion in Minneapolis
The year 1934 marked a turning point for the working-class struggle during the Great Depression, with three strikes in three cities--Toledo, San Francisco and Minneapolis--that showed workers could fight back and win. Clause 7(a) of the National Industrial Recovery Act, passed in 1933, had granted workers "the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing." But workers had to make the letter of the law a reality through their own battles with employers
Even in Capitalists’ Bad Times, Europe’s Socialists Suffer -
PARIS — A specter is haunting Europe — the specter of Socialism’s slow collapse..
AFL-CIO NOW BLOG Hotel Workers Fight Cutbacks with Peaceful Civil Disobedience
Nearly 300 UNITE HERE members protesting demands from major hotels in Chicago and San Francisco for cutbacks, and the firing of 100 housekeepers in Boston, were arrested in peaceful civil disobedience demonstrations in recent days.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Whoops: Anti-ACORN Bill Ropes In Defense Contractors, Others Charged With Fraud
Going after ACORN may be like shooting fish in a barrel lately -- but jumpy lawmakers used a bazooka to do it last week and may have blown up some of their longtime allies in the process
Battle over wages brews at Wal-Mart - CNBC TV-
Bill, opposed by retailer, would make it easier for employees to organize
Senator Tries to Allay Fears on Health Overhaul -
WASHINGTON — Senator Bill Nelson of Florida desperately wants to expand health insurance coverage because one in five Floridians is uninsured. As a former state insurance commissioner, he wants to crack down on insurers. And as a member of the Senate Finance Committee, he can shape legislation to achieve both goals.
Robert Reich's Blog: Why the Dow is Hitting 10,000 Even When Consumers Can't Buy And Business Cries "Socialism"
So how can the Dow Jones Industrial Average be flirting with 10,000 when consumers, who make up 70 percent of the economy, have had to cut way back on buying because they have no money?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Take Action to Help NY State Farm Workers Please help. In New York State, laws protecting workers categorically exclude farm workers from basic rights and protections leading to conditions that are one step from slavery.

Slogans aren't solutions Leave it to Bill McCollum to further cheapen a national debate on health care that already has been degraded by simplistic, inaccurate buzzwords. Florida's Republican attorney general Tuesday blasted the idea of a government-run health insurance option and tore a page out of the Washington GOP playbook

Meek criticizes LeMieux over firm's aid to foreign workers Although George LeMieux said he had nothing to do with the case, likely Democratic Senate candidate Kendrick Meek blasted the interim senator for his firm's help to Mexican immigrant workers

CAPITOL HILL MANEUVERS• When Congress reconvenes Tuesday to consider overhauling the nation's health care system, few states will have more at stake than Florida. Of the 10 most populous states, Florida is alone in never having produced a Senate majority or minority leader; a House speaker or majority leader; a U.S. Supreme Court justice or a U.S. president or vice president. • In a 2008 analysis by the Washington-based news service Roll Call, Florida ranked 42nd among states in congressional influence. • Of the top 18 overall

Obama To AFL-CIO: Are You Fired Up?

Security union members to picket at Patrick on Tuesday Members of Security Police and Fire Protection of America Local 127 will conduct an informational picket in front of the main gates of Patrick Air Force Base starting at 7 a.m. Tuesday to protest an Air Force plan to shift the security force at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station from civilian contracts to the purview of the Department of Defense