Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fla. Democrats registering more voters than GOP

Fla. Democrats registering more voters than GOP

To view the contents on, go to: Yes We Can

Opinion NY Times
OPINION July 19, 2008
Op-Ed Columnist: Yes We Can
The thing about visionaries like Al Gore is that they don’t imagine what’s easy. They imagine the benefits to be reaped once all the obstacles are overcome. It's the Economic Stupidity, Stupid

The New York Times
OPINION July 20, 2008
Op-Ed Columnist: It's the Economic Stupidity, Stupid
Were voters forced to actually focus on John McCain’s response to our economic crisis, the prospect of his ascension to the Oval Office could set off panic.

The Wire for 24 07 08

U.S. / POLITICS July 20, 2008
Obama's Visit Renews Focus on Afghanistan
Barack Obama stopped on a high-profile foreign trip in a country that is increasingly the focus of his clash with John McCain

Suddenly, Brevard's full of ANWR experts

Insurance Company Rules


Saturday, July 19, 2008

The wire for 100708

Electrical Risks at Iraq Bases Are Worse Than Said -
Electrical Risks at Iraq Bases Are Worse Than Said

Candidates differ on drilling FLORIDA TODAY
Excerpts from statements from Tuesday night's candidate forum
for state House Districts 29, 30 and 80 and Senate District 24,

VA vote push has new allies - St. Petersburg Times
Florida's top elections official and several U.S. senators have joined the mounting criticism over a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs policy that bans voter registration on VA property.

Brevard's schools lauch supply drive FLORIDA TODAY Save a dictionary for FL TOO day staff
Barbara Holland, an unemployed mother of four, expected that she would have to pinch here and there to buy school supplies for her children

Cleaning up Pollution in Ports to Save Lives
Trucks carrying cheap imported goods are polluting the air and poisoning children who live near the ports where those goods enter the country. Addressing that problem, the California Assembly will impose a new fee on containers entering and leaving the ports to fund programs to alleviate that pollution

Space Coast 4 Obama Party Platform MeetingEvent
Location: Charlie & Jake's BBQ Restaurant, 6300 N Wickham Rd, Melbourne
Event Description:
You are invited to join Space Coast 4 Obama for a Party Platform Meeting on Tuesday, July 22, 2008, starting at 7:00 PM. The meeting will take place at Charlie & Jake's BBQ Restaurant, north end of shopping center at 6300 N Wickham Rd in Melbourne, 32937. (They also have a microbrewery on premises.)
For two weeks in July, people across America will hold Platform meetings in their own communities to discuss the issues and share their input. The outcome of these meetings will be reviewed by the Drafting Committee on the national level as it creates the final Party Platform. Come give your input to this unique history-making event.
For more information, or to RSVP, visit, or e-mail Pamela Castellana at, or call her at 536-6919.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wir for 090708

Voting right restored, but they don't know it
"A St. Petersburg Times analysis found that while some 88,000 former nonviolent felons are newly eligible to cast a ballot for the first time in this presidential election, less than 10 percent, or roughly 8,200, were registered to vote as of the end of May. The move to restore rights was originally expected to impact between 250,000 and 300,000 offenders. In reality, the number turns out to be closer to 115,000, once all the certificates get signed by the clemency board, according to the Florida Parole Commission."
MORE of this story or HYPERLINK "" Check Clemency Status
Pentagon to decide tanker rebid FLORIDA TODAY
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon is expected to announce Wednesday whether the Air Force will rebid a $35 billion contract to build new refueling tankers. Brevard Education FLORIDA TODAY
Brevard schools earn 82 A's
Orlando Sentinel - Tom Feeney: "Hero of the Taxpayer" by bshaw
Today's conservative group stepping forward to endorse U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney, R-Oviedo, is the Americans for Tax Reform, which hailed the three-term rep as a "Hero of the Taxpayer."
Roadwork hits skids as cuts delay projects FLORIDA TODAY
Three major local road projects scheduled to get funds next year face delays due to a $1.3 billion statewide budget cut to the Florida Department of Transportation's five-year work program
Orlando Sentinel - Martinez calls for drilling by Tammy Lytle
Sen. Mel Martinez stood next to a Texas colleague this morning and called for more drilling off the nation's coasts.
Sterling Casino to Port: we fold FLORIDA TODAY
Sterling Casino Lines has ceased operations and will remove its Ambassador II gambling ship from Port Canaveral next week, costing more than 500 people their jobs
Tricare families may get burned FLORIDA TODAY
If Congress fails to restore cuts in Medicare payments to doctors, it's possible that more physicians will refuse to treat military families enrolled inTricare
Ford blasts figures in Voltz ad FLORIDA TODAY
Brevard County Property Appraiser Jim Ford claims another candidate tried to smear him with a campaign flier that shows inaccurate increases in his office's budget.
ACLU clemency data base Check your status